Friday 3 February 2012

The Competent Communicator

What unusual communication demands are placed on the "competent communicator" now that we are living in the information society?

- Ability to adapt to technology and gadgets
     - invention of new gadgets every few months
     - new social networking sites, forums, blogs, etc

- Ability to keep up-to-date with the current issues through the use of technology

- Ability to receive feedback
     - receive constructive criticism 
     - encourage feedback from other and work on it

- Ability to present ideas in non traditional methods
     - beyond traditional methods of black and white, pen on paper

How will you, as a "competent communicator" use each of the four components of competency (knowledge, sensitivity, skills and values) in your personal and professional life?

- knowledge is power
- willing to learn
- willing to adapt

- empathy
- acceptance to what others say
- open mindedness

- planning and thinking
- communication skills

- having strong beliefs
- having integrity
- knowing right and wrong

Think of a person you consider to be a "competent communicator" and describe how he or she demonstrates the four components of competency (knowledge, sensitivity, skills and values)

I read somewhere that Obama is not as good a communicator as people believe and "Even admirers have a hard time remembering what he actually says."

However, I feel that he has exceptional communication skills, which is how he managed to work his way to being the President of the United States against all the odds. Obama connected with millions of Americans on a human and personal level, persuading them to give him their votes.

Perhaps, we don't remember word for word what he says, but it is his idea that seeps into our consciousness and gives such lasting effects. I believe it is hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't remember his winning "Yes We Can" speech.

He evidently employs his knowledge when he speaks, his speeches and witty comebacks at his opponents are proof enough.

As for skills and sensitivity, you can see it when he speaks. First demonstrating his ability to connect with a national audience at the 2004 National Democratic Convention where he made an impression that still lingers, even in the minds of non Americans, myself included, Obama spoke of  family heritage, the greatness of American and the American dream, war and peace and unity, all of which are resounding messages that requires tact and skill to leave an inspiring effect.

And it isn't just his speeches that prove what a good communicator he is, but his adaptability to technology. He made excellent use of his blog to communicate his message, to attract more supporters, and most importantly, to raise a significant amount of campaign contributions.

Obama, or perhaps, his team's use of social media and sponsored listings, such as Google AdWords to communicate his message of change, and to counter campaign attacks, like one grossly misguided journalist who actually suggested he is Muslim, cement his adaptability to change and technology, embracing it and using it as a tool.

Barack Obama is also a man of many values, as a matter of fact, he imparts those values and uses them as a unifying factor in his presidency.

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