Saturday 4 February 2012

Communication in Workplace : The Generational Divide

What expectations does each of these generational groups have about life and about organizations?

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

Baby boomers believe employment is for life, they are more likely to be loyal to one company for a long time.

They believe more in diligence and hard work and making a decent living. A lot of baby boomers do not have big dreams of being billionaires and such. Most of them grew up during the times of economical crisis and are content with a mediocre life in terms of wealth.

Baby boomers do not believe they will retire, 25% are still working as a matter of fact. 

Generation X (1965-1980)

Gen X-ers prefer more freedom in life and in work as well. They dislike rigid work requirements and are more family oriented.

They have clear goals and have the ability to think bigger than the baby boomer generation. Gen X-ers also prefer to solve their own problems rather than asking for help or looking for supervision.

Gen X-ers grew up with technology slowly evolving so they have grown familiar with it but not entirely competent with the latest technologies.

Generation Y (1981- 2000)

Gen Y-ers are more confident and tech savvy on the whole. They are more sociable but not in the traditional sense of the word.

Most Gen Y-ers strive for creative challenges and self growth and developments. Theya re competitive and have high expectations of themselves and others. They want things fast and good.

They are also easily bored and do not wish to be tied down by traditional 9-5 working hours, and are generally more rebellious and willing to question authority.

What messages and experiences have contributed to those expectations?

Baby Boomers

Generally, they are seen to be more difficult to manage, resist change and aren't up to date with new technology.  They also like to play it safe and are not willing to take risks.

Gen X-ers 

They thrive on diversity, challenge as compared to the baby boomers'. They are more flexible and are open to changes.

Gen Y-ers

They expect workplaces to be flexible and are more likely to change employers more often, jumping from company to company. They desire occupations with flexibility and up to date technology in the workplace.

Over what issues are the three groups likely to have conflicts? Why?

- Technology and media issues
- Difference in opinion [Gen Y-ers are more liberal in comparison to Gen X-ers ad Baby Boomers]
- Team work vs Individualistic

To which, if any, of the three generational group do you belong?

I have found that I have traits from Gen X and Gen Y.
- willing to accept change, but easily frustrated with new waves of technology
- get very irritated with a lack of sens of respect by the Gen Z and some Gen Y's
- money matters, I believe money needs to be earned through diligence and hard work

More predominantly Gen Y.
- tech savvy
- liberal thinking in terms of opinion
- prefer open system
- want to know why
- enjoy working in a team
- like new things
- low attention span

How do your expectations and experiences correspond to theirs?

-  Fashion
 - Media(s)
 - Education
-  Liberated opinions
 - Way of handling problems

Over what issues are you likely to have conflict with the members of the three groups? Why?

- Technology and media issues
- Difference in opinion
- Team work vs Individualistic tendencies

What effects are their strategies likely to have on their relationships with their supervisors in traditional firms? With their co-workers? With their subordinates? Why?

In traditional firms, Baby Boomers are often up the corporate ladder and sit in the senior positions, Gen Xers are in mid-management and Gen Y-ers are in the junior level or entry positions. 

Baby Boomers
- formal communication
- closed door systems

Gen X-ers 
- prefers more of an autonomy approach than collaboration. 
- more flexible than Baby Boomers in terms of embracing change
- more formal communication
- practices closed system 

Gen Y-ers 
- prefers collaboration
- practices open system
- informal communication
- wants things done quickly, in the now

The 3 generational groups work with very different dynamic and have different outlooks and working styles. However, the three generations do complement each other if you put them together in a workplace given mutual respect and acceptance.

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